Building Usage Form
A written agreement must be signed by the user (s), the Pastor and the President of the Trustees. Please make checks payable to Hosanna A.M.E. Church. All checks returned due to insufficient funds will cost $25 or the current bank charges. Member: Weddings--------------------$100 Funerals-----------------------No charge (donations) Organist----------------------$75 Custodian---------------------No charge (donations) Affiliated Members: Weddings-------------------$150 Funerals---------------------$150 Organists--------------------$75 Custodian-------------------$100 Minister---------------------$100 Non-Members: Weddings-------------------$300 Funerals---------------------$300 Organists--------------------$125 Custodian-------------------$125 Minister---------------------$100 Other usage not listed above: $200 Approved on May 8, 2009 by the church conference |